Zixi SDVP and ZEN Master Named Streaming Media Magazine Reader’s Choice Award Finalists

Zixi, the industry leader for enabling dependable, live broadcast-quality video over any-IP, and award winning architect of the Software-Defined Video Platform (SDVP), today announced that the SDVP and ZEN Master have been recognized by Streaming Media Magazine readers as finalists for the annual Reader’s Choice Awards.
Streaming Media readers’ listed Zixi as their top choice in the Live Streaming Software category (Zixi SDVP) and the top choice for Quality and Control/Monitoring Platform (ZEN Master).
Streaming Media readers voted on over 220 nominees for this year’s awards. More than 2,200 readers cast over 17,000 votes across 26 categories that reflect both the Streaming Media and Streaming Media Producer purviews.
The winners list for all categories can be found on StreamingMedia.com and will be published in the November/December issue of Streaming Media magazine.