ZEN Master Control Plane

Video Management Software for complete visibility across the media supply chain

ZEN Master is the live video orchestration and telemetry control plane that enables Zixi users to manage large-scale configuration and monitoring of the Zixi Enabled Network, Zixi’s live streaming platform, devices and appliances. With ZEN Master video management software, media organizations can extend their reach, increase production speed and dramatically reduce operational costs.

Centralized Operations Dashboard

Stream Management

ZEN Master makes it easy to manage inputs and outputs for hundreds of live video and Zixi streams at scale. With just a few clicks, and with automatic configuration details for network resources and distribution targets, this video management software allows users to create new live channels and spin up required streams on the fly. Zixi simplifies management of broadcast streams across industry protocols whether signal paths are point-to-point, one-to-many, multicloud or multi-CDN.

  • Central, permission-based access to the entire Zixi Enabled Network
  • Operational and administrative views
  • Global monitoring of all live streaming activity across connected Zixi nodes
  • Orchestration of inputs and outputs across the supply chain
  • Easy connection to Amazon Web Services Auto-Scaling Clusters for immediate, automatic redundant scaling
  • Rapid troubleshooting with immediate access to logs, performance graphs and direct access to all Zixi nodes

Video Route & Infrastructure Orchestration

Acquisition & Delivery

ZEN Master reduces the complexity of live-stream workflows with a cloud-based set of virtual tools for configuring, orchestrating and monitoring delivery at the individual channel and device level, or across an entire video content creation and distribution enterprise. With Zixi’s video management software you can:

  • Instantly view a global video delivery network from a single pane of glass.
  • Quickly configure new live channels without requiring additional engineering resources
  • Optimize operational costs as you increase content offerings
  • Accept inputs from unmanaged 3rd party sources and Zixi-embedded systems
  • Set destinations such as storage targets or Zixi software elements, clusters and receivers
  • Enable multi-cloud infrastructure
  • Deliver HLS and MPEG DASH to AWS S3 and HTTP File Storage targets
  • Deliver RTMP to CDNs and DMVPDs/OVDs
  • Deliver MPEG TS to Zixi Receivers and IRDs
  • Deliver to multiple CDN targets

ZEN Master for AWS Media Services

The Zixi Software-Defined Video Platform is interoperable with AWS Media Services, cloud-based services with pay-as-you-go pricing that provide customers the capability to ingest, process, package, and deliver video content at scale.

Live Events Manager

Live Events Scheduling and Automation in ZEN Master

ZEN Master features sophisticated event management tools designed to enable live production at scale. The ZEN Master Live Events Manager delivers advanced event schedule management, enabling operations teams to programmatically or manually define the event schedule. Event stages unlock automated stream switching and alerting rules tailored to pre/live/post event stages. New alerting templates and sophisticated live event monitoring ensure that events are running smoothly and operational dashboards provide ‘at a glance’ confidence monitoring across all scheduled events.

  • Pre-event, event and post-event workflows
  • Programmatic & override event stage transitions
  • Event schedules and infrastructure management
  • Live events management & operational dashboards
  • Customizable alerting profiles tied to event stages

Global Visibility & Health

System Health

With the ZEN Master control plane users can easily manage system health by quickly verifying that all sources are connected and providing content. A single user interface enables users to manage an entire operation or to drill down to monitor networks at the stream and device level. Users can watch feeds in real-time from Zixi Broadcaster or a CDN egress point, and automatic alerts can be set for specific monitoring thresholds. ZEN Master also enables engineers and operators to:

  • Monitor live streams from all connected contribution sources
  • Visualize granular stream data
  • Get instant alarms and email alerts across contribution or delivery
  • Access live and historic metrics across all streams from a single screen
  • Review searchable channel-based, node-based or global event logs



ZEN Master puts control of your IP network in the hands of your distribution experts, along with familiar monitoring tools. Robust multi-layer user authentication, permissions and role-management tools make it easy to create groups and user profiles, enabling responsibilities to be easily shared with team members. The ZEN Master control plane also provides:

  • Resource allocation, cluster management and capacity
  • Redundancy across signal paths
  • The ability to assign capabilities to cloud infrastructures
  • User management and secure access controls
  • Tools for managing centralized lists of all publishing targets, transcoding profiles and adaptive channels
  • Permission-based roles for all users, groups and system resources

Flexible Deployment Options of the SDVP


Modular Software

Deploy only the components of the SDVP® you need and scale on-demand within your own infrastructure environments.


Zixi-as-a-Service (ZaaS)

All the capabilities of the SDVP®
with integrated cost optimized cloud infrastructure managed by Zixi.

Contact our Sales team to find your perfect solution.