For Immediate Release – Sept. 7, 2018 — The Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) Activity Group (AG) of the Video Services Forum (VSF) is nearing completion of the Phase One Technical Specification (VSF TR-06-1) for interoperable transport of high-quality video signals over unmanaged networks. Members of the RIST AG will be showing a live, multivendor demonstration of products that have successfully completed compatibility testing during the upcoming IBC Show in Amsterdam, Sept. 14-18, 2018.
The following companies are participating and will be displaying the live demonstration in their booths:
Artel (5.A65)
Cobalt Digital (10.B44)
DVEO (2.A34)
Evertz (1.D31)
Nevion (1.B71)
Videoflow (3.B56)
Zixi (14.F11)
* Participant without booth at IBC 2018.
The (RIST) project was initiated as an AG under the auspices of the Video Services Forum during 2017. To date, the group is producing an initial Phase-One version of a specification which will be released soon. Work continues within the group towards developing additional RIST specifications that include additional features. As the AG develops and reaches consensus on new functions and capabilities, documents will be released in support of the RIST effort.
The current phase one version of the RIST specification is intended to describe the minimum set of capabilities that any software or hardware system must implement in order to be considered RIST-compliant. Anticipated future versions of this specification will include additional features and functions that are intended to cover a wider range of user applications than those that are currently supported by the Phase-One version of the specification.
For more information about the RIST Activity Group, or to find out about participating in the development of future specifications, please visit http://vsf.tv/RIST.shtml